Saturday 7 June 2008

Andrew Lloyd Webber - Lloyd Webber Votes To Eliminate Rachel From Id Do Anything

Rachel Tucker has become the latest contestant to be eliminated from the BBC One show I'd Do Anything.

The 26-year-old received the fewest number of public votes along with 17-year-old Samantha Barks after their performances on Saturday.

Rachel becomes the ninth Nancy hopeful to leave the competition and leaves Samantha, Jessie Buckley, Jodie Prenger as the final three for next week's final.

After receiving the fewest number of votes, Rachel and Samantha had to sing a rendition of Memory from Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Cats.

And the competition judge eventually decided to come down on the side of Samantha describing her as "fantastic".

"It's an impossible choice", Lloyd Webber declared. "On the one hand Samantha you're fabulous you've got everything ahead of you, Rachel you did a wonderful performance last night of Cabaret and I really don't know what to say.

"But I've got to make a decision and I've got to think of where the show ultimately for Cameron [Mackintosh] is going to go and I think I have to go with you Samantha.

"And it was a fantastic performance tonight, I just know you've got this huge career ahead of you and also I have a sneaking suspicion you'll play Nancy. One day. You were fantastic."

On receiving her marching orders, Rachel claimed that she was "devastated" not to have made the final but described her time on the BBC show as the "most unbelievable experience of a lifetime".

25/05/2008 20:04:24

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